Wednesday, September 2, 2009

And in spite of their incompetance they still go on....

I read with great sadness and guile this morning about a gentleman from Tampa who tried to cash a check at Bank of America and was not allowed to. This was reported by staff writer Robbyn Mitchell in the St. Petersburg Times. Why you may ask??? Did he have an account there??? No, he did not, but his wife did and it was a check from his wife... so why could he not cash this?? Well folks, If a person does not have a checking account at Bank of America then you need to give a thumb print in order to cash a check. Well that is well and dandy as long as you have thumbs or any other fingers. Unfortunately, this man was born without any arms and his prosthetic devices just couldn't satisfy the bank's needs! In this case the teller went to the branch manager, and what did the branch manager do, well he decided to follow the policy of the bank and the man could NOT cash his check because he could not give a thumb print. He was told however that he could go get his wife bring her back and then they would cash it. That just brings customer service to a whole new level! Wow and I thought that they just hated me....Now I am beginning to see that they are just so grossly incompetent it is mind boggling! They obviously have not heard of people with disabilities!!!! I hope that the American Civil Liberties Association gets involved. While the bank eventually did offer an apology they did remind everyone that the manager did the appropriate thing by following Bank Policy!

Wow I am just so happy that as taxpayers we had the privilege to give this bank TARP money. But I do realize the necessity for doing this, please do not get me wrong. I realize that if we had not done this, all of the top personnel at the bank would not have gotten appropriate bonuses and that their mediocre work ethics and lavish lifestyles would not have been appropriately rewarded. Where would we have all been then???? They are also one of only 2 big banks left that have not even made their interest payments owed or paid down any of the monies given to them by the government (which means you and me). But I am so thankful that they can walk all over the little people. Foreclose on people and do whatever else they can to turn good loans into bad!! It really should help them rest oh so much more easily at night.

And by the way.....remember the check I told you about yesterday. The one I was told I walked out of the bank with and they did not have. Well it cleared last night!

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