Friday, September 4, 2009

Bank of America "Bait and Switch"

There was a time when sides were not necessary, lines weren't drawn and all things being equal , a person's banker was some one you could depend on. A friend you could lean on without all the normal dramas that go in to a friendship. Some one who was there for you or at least that was what i thought when I was a delusional child and not being wined and dined by managers from Bank of America. To put them in to perspective they are similar to people at a carnival whose job it is to get you into the tent and also on another hand they are also similar to the guys on Bourbon Street in New Orleans who try to lure you into the strip clubs. Either way I am sure their jobs are interchangeable. In fact the more I think about it I am sure that some of Bank Of America's managers probably did come from either of those two places! These people lure the innocents in...promising them anything and everything....and then when they have you "pow" they slam it to you. This of course has been evidenced most recently and continuously by the two news events I most recently discussed.

Do you think that when the wife of the disabled man opened her account she was told that her husband's basic rights were going to be violated??? I don't think so. I do not believe that the same branch manager who did not allow her husband to cash the check she had written would have mentioned this while opening an account "Oh by the way if your husband is missing his hands, we will not cash his checks because he has no thumbprint to validate his ID". Or the 98 year old woman paying for car insurance because she didn't tell anybody that she didn't want insurance even though she didn't order it!

How about the corporate division, the slimy bottom feeders who wine and dine a small business, give it lines of credit and loans and then say. Oh we're not your friend anymore, we're tired and bored, we want a new even though the small business has been paying everything back according to the terms, Bank of America says "enough" we want it all NOW!!!! How many businesses have they put out of business??? They are such a Goliath and I say we have got to all
be Davids. We have got to get our sling shots out and hit them right between the eyes. Why, because a bully only understands one thing and that is being tough right back to it!

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